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Precision Agriculture

MUSES9 Spectral cameras
bring the diagnostic power of spectral imaging in your hands and the modern agritech revolution to your business

MUSES9-HS - Full Frame Hyperspectral Imaging Camera 370-1000nm
MUSES9-MS, Ultra Broad Range Multispectral Imaging Camera 365-1700nm
MUSES9-SnS, Ultra HD Video Rate, Snapshot Spectral Mapping Camera 400-1000nm, Hyperspectral, Multispectral
Phenocheck - Handheld Spectral Phenotyper 400-1000nm, Vegetation Index Mapping, plant health, precision agriculture, hyperspectral, multispectral imaging
Muses9-DR drone camera, remote sensing, plant pathology, precision agriculture

with the most advanced tunable filter and snapshot hyper/multi-spectral camera systems

MUSES9 Camera Hyperspectral Imaging Applications, Remote sensing, Drone imaging, Marine imaging, Minerology, Plant pathology, Microscopy, Artwork nondestructive testing, Archeology, Food quality, Forensics, Biomedicine
Precision Agriculture

Discover what MUSES9 cameras can do for you!

1. Reflectance Imaging Spectroscopy
    • Spectral and Vegetation Index mapping-based phenotyping
    • Spectroscopy-based crop diagnosis and quantitative monitoring of health status
Spectral and VI index mapping for spectral phenotyping
2. Fluorimetry hyperspectral imaging
    • Study of the photosynthetic energy conversion
    • Mapping of fluorimetry parameters and assessment of photosystems I & II
Spectroscopy-based fluorimetry mapping
3. Infrared imaging (750-1000nm & 1000-1700nm):
    • Imaging of subsurface (mesocarp) features
    • mapping of relative water content (RWC)
Subsurface imaging reveals bruises in mesocarp
4. Imaging colorimetry
    • Standardized color and color difference measurements in horticultural crops
    • Color parameter-based image segmentation histogram analysis
Per pixel color measurement and histogram analysis
5. Ultraviolet reflectance imaging
    • Bee vision false color imaging for the study of plant-pollinator interactions
    • Selective imaging of plant cuticle and epidermis
Bee vision false color imaging (right)
6. Machine learning-powered spectral imaging
    • transforms hyperspectral data to compositional maps
    • trainable to detect/identify structural features
Detection of invisible botrytis infection (right),
with ground truth labeling of HSI data
Precision Agriculture

MUSES9 camera selection guide

MUSES9-HS  is a full frame, tunable filter-based hyperspectral imager, acquiring 126 (extendable to 315), 6.4 megapixel spectral images, in the range 370-1000nm
Competitive Advantages
    • Mechanical scanning stages (common in push broom systems) are no longer required, ensuring portability for field deployment
    • Ultrahigh spatial resolution: 6.4 million spectra per image frame 
    • Real-time spectral image inspection at any selected spectral band
    • C-mount thread, adapts directly to all kinds of lenses, microscopes and telescopes
MUSES9-HS - Full Frame Hyperspectral Imaging Camera 370-1000nm
MUSES9-MS1700 is dual sensor camera, operating in the ultra broad spectral range 365-1700nm
Competitive Advantages
    • Ultrabroad spectral range, ultra broad range of applications
    • Configurable spectral bands, such as the ones commonly used in satellite cameras
    • Real-time, full frame spectral image inspection at any selected band
    • Enhanced sensor sensitivity for  low light applications
MUSES9-MS, Ultra Broad Range Multispectral Imaging Camera 365-1700nm
MUSES9-Phenocheck is a 6.4 megapixel, snapshot, hand held, tablet PC operable, spectral imager, in the range 370-1000nm
Competitive Advantages
    • Ultra high spatial resolution: 3096 horizontal X2080 vertical pixels for all supported spectral bands
    • Displays simultaneously and side-by-side up to 24 spectral images, spectral classification and vegetation index maps, all at video refresh rates
    • Integrates ring light LED illumination with cross polarization optics to eliminate glare in macro imaging
    • Supports both diffuse reflectance and fluorescence imaging, even in outdoor  operation settings
Snapshot hyperspectral and multispectral imaging cameras
MUSES9-DR drone camera is a light weighted, snapshot, single lens, remote sensing  camera operating in the 400-1000nm spectral range
Competitive Advantages
    • Spectral imaging through a single, interchangeable lens to customized imaging
    • Displays up to 24 spectral bands in snapshot fashion at 6 megapixels
    • Transmits, displays and stores to ground station PCs spectral cube images, spectral classification and vegetation index maps, side-by-side, for the on-line inspection and image quidded treatments
Multi spectral and hyperspectral imaging cameras
λambda3+ software suite

is a machine learning platform utilizing the multi-/hyper- spectral data generated from all MUSES9 product variants. The platform supports spectral labeling through customizable training samples, to produce spectral and material identification maps in target objects

Hyperspectral imaging cameras - data processing and classification
Precision Agriculture

MUSES9 Spectral Cameras: your Lab in the Field

MUSES9 camera systems comprise a powerful tool for analyzing plants, fruits, flowers, seeds etc., offering objective and quantitative information for anaerobic and aerobic stress conditions.

    • It is a multimodal imaging device, integrating and overall advancing a long list of imaging and spectroscopy instruments in a portable camera system
    • It enables the visualization of invisible abnormality and related spectral phenotype changes, instantly and at an early and reversible stage
    • It informs about fruit ripening for predicting the optimal harvest time
Hyperspectral imaging in avocado fruit with MUSES9-HS hyperspectral imaging camera

MUSES9 camera systems come with a long list of accessories (lenses, light sources, stands etc.) to ensure turn-key operation.  It is an affordable solution designed to operate in the hands of farmers/agronomists and researchers, requiring no technical background. You can take it with you and carry out as many on-the-spot diagnostic and monitoring checks as you need.

Spectricon’s disruptive innovations have come to revolutionized the field of spectral imaging by offering:

I. real-time inspection at any desired spectral band(s);
II. full frame, ultrahigh spatial resolution;
III. ultra-wide spectral range of operation;
IV. direct adaptability to all lenses, microscopes and telescopes;
V. hand held, turnkey operation.

The future of spectral imaging is bright and it is here!